Tag Archives: marriage counseling
“What’s Wrong with You?” Criticism, Part Two.
Conquering Criticism in Three Parts: Criticizing the World, Criticizing Partners and Family, and Criticizing Yourself

Conquering Criticism in Three Parts: Criticizing the World, Criticizing Partners and Family, and Criticizing Yourself– Bet you thought this was going to be about those mean other people who criticize you and how you can get them to stop. Wrong. Anyway, convincing someone else to not criticize with like emptying …
What Does a Happy Person Look Like?
Anxiety and Why Do I Keep Doing the Same Stupid Things?

Dateline: Threadgill’s Restaurant, Austin, Texas. The servers wear black T-Shirts with the caption “Dang!” The “motto” originated when one fellow gazed over the list of vegetables on the menu, stood, and said, “Dang!” Self-Defeating Behaviors or Why Diet Books Are Next to the Cookbooks at Barnes and Noble. Why would …