Tag Archives: love
It Ain’t Easy to Be a Hooker in Alaska: How Reality TV Can Save Your Day:

Dateline: Threadgill’s Branch Office. Under Farrah’s picture. It Ain’t Easy to Be a Hooker in Alaska: How Reality TV Can Save Your Day MysteryShrink is about what works and what doesn’t work–usually whatever therapy is covered by your insurance. Thus, I must share a breakthrough treatment. And, nuuuuuu. No credit …
Stress. When Does Breaking Free of ‘Group Think’ Just Being Rude?
Stress. When Does Breaking Free of ‘Group Think’ Just Being Annoying? Stress relieving entry in progress on rudeness vs. independent thinking. Dateline: Cabo San Jose, Baja California, Mexico. Pirates lived here. Pirates live in the U.S., too. Before we let a teenager convince us that tattoos are her way of …