Tag Archives: humor
Bendicio Man, He Loves You
What Is Emotional Closeness? How Do I Rank? Take a Ride on the Darjeeling Limited (Owen Wilson)

Distance in the Family: Take a Ride on the Darjeeling Limited (Owen Wilson) Notice of Series in Progress– Sibling Position, Anxiety, and Family Process. Frances, the eldest of the three Whitman brothers (played by Owen Wilson) makes the following announcement as they launch a trip across India on The Darjeeling …
If You Could Relive Just One Day, Which Day Would You Choose?

“If, after you’ve died, you could come back and relive one day, what day would you choose?” **To catch up with Dr. Dale’s Journal, First read Diagnosis Black, Hemlock, Fallout, The Novelty of Having Cancer has Worn Off, and VooDoo or Health Insurance? Research indicates that the majority of people, after rolling over super-day possibilities—wedding …
Which is Best? Potato Peeler or a Paring Knife?
Potato Peeler or Paring Knife? Which is Best? The lady across from me in my office described an anxious situation she experienced every time she visited her parents for Sunday dinner. Mashed potatoes were usually on the menu and my client’s responsibility. The potato tool selection is when Potato Peeler …
Dreams, Goals. How to Get Stuff Done (Re-set. Accidental Deletion)
Dreams, Goals. How to Get Stuff Done (Re-set. Accidental Deletion) mysteryshrinkJune 11, 2015Anxiety, Depression, Front Page Dreams, Goals. How to Get Stuff Done The lead photograph is a picture of Alvin Bailey, the head groom at the stable when I was a kid, a beloved friend, and one of my …