Tag Archives: Family
Miss Me? I’m Not That Crazy
Miss Me? I’m Not That Crazy! The availiability of putting our words on the fabulous World Wide Web has left each of us with the impression that we are much more important than we actually are. We are even taught tricks to bubble up hit statistics and further over-estimate our …
Love, Boundaries, and the Fastest Way to Ruin a Lovely Dinner
How Do You Choose a Psychologist? A Lawyer?
When it Comes to Distant Mothers—This Lady Wins
When it Comes to Distant Mothers—This Lady Wins The movie, The Darjeeling Limited, is the story of one man’s attempt to save his own life and maybe those of his brothers who are equally crippled by their strange and emotionally distant childhood. **To make sense of the current story, first …
Emotional Distance, Owen Wilson, and The Darjeeling Limited

Emotional Distance, Owen Wilson, and The Darjeeling Limited Part 1. Brothers on a Train What would you do if a psychologist suggested that to truly resolve current self-destructive habits, you must get straight—comfortable and ‘real’– with your family? Would you: Demand your money back and accuse the therapist of conspiracy …