Stress and Doing Your Own Thinking

Immediate Stress Relief: Join a Gang… Dateline:  Stress in a New Mexico Maximum Security Prison, via television. Where would any of us end up if–during those needy barely adolescent years—we had no sense of self and no sense of a future?  And we were offered both for the mere orice of …

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Stress and Ladies’ Room Etiquette

Stress and Ladies’ Room Etiquette Dateline:  Ladies’ room.  Big Rig Stress Management Truck Stop, Sonora, Texas. More thoughts on anxiety and fusion, that is, when the “togetherness force,” the push to go along with the group is winning over the “individuality force,” the push to operate separately from the emotional …

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Stress: Woman Lost and Alone in Scary Alleyways of Istanbul

Stress on the Cool, Blue Mediterranean Stress and Group Think Invade Istanbul and Mexico City and a Cruise Ship in the Carribean, Part One Isn’t Taking a Vacation about Escaping Stress? The next three entries will be examples of ‘group think’ and pressure to conform from around the world. These situations …

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