More on the Marrying a Divorced Person

ANXIETY and LOVE ADDICTION   Question:“I am engaged to a man who has been married three times . . . Our relationship began during his third marriage and he met his second wife while he was in his first marriage. He says I’m different than the other women, that he loves me …

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Psychology for Dummies: Basing Decisions on Emotional Pressure

New Posting on “Psychology for Dummies” Page. The affects of anxiety run amok on relationships, physical health, healthy habits and more. Why you keep making the same mistakes in relationships.

What Does a Happy Person Look Like?

Dateline: Threadgill’s, Austin, Tx. Standing before the void. The void is the giant hole in which I have dumped old posts in order to redo the site. Many changes have been made in cyber world since I started MysteryShrink. Change makes me anxious. Having a ton of work ahead of …

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Anxiety and Why Do I Keep Doing the Same Stupid Things?

Dateline: Threadgill’s Restaurant, Austin, Texas. The servers wear black T-Shirts with the caption “Dang!” The “motto” originated when one fellow gazed over the list of vegetables on the menu, stood, and said, “Dang!” Self-Defeating Behaviors or Why Diet Books Are Next to the Cookbooks at Barnes and Noble. Why would …

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