Hope: Two Women, Robin Williams, and Living NOW

MysteryShrink: Two Women and Living in the NOW The truth about psychology and psychologists:  We long to be scientific—to prove our medications, our talk therapy works.  We long to assist ourselves and other humans to find more joy and make more sense of their lives. We mostly fail on both …

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Stress, Relationships, Family: MysteryShrink Goes Social

Stress: Why You Want to Keep an Eye on MysteryShrink The truth and a giant disclaimer.  If I am to accomplish my current goal, I’m going to have to lose the sunglasses.  I’m going to have to start registering using my real name.  I’m going to have to take MysteryShrink …

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Living in the Now. Be Ready. The “Now” May Find You.

Living in the Now. Be Ready. On Being a Person,  Are We What We Contribute? (Disclaimer.  I firmly promised no ‘diary’ posts or–gasp–anything that has a scent of political issues.  I don’t for a moment think my life is so interesting the world can’t do without hearing about it. Still, …

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“Should You Care What Other People Think?” Self Esteem vs. Self Centered.

Should You Care What Other People Think?  Self Esteem vs. Self Centered. You might be surprised at the answer.  The ways concern for “what other people think” influences our lives is not simple.  Knee-jerk responses are not answers.   Sometimes ‘caring what other people think’ is about more than a …

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