Emotional Distance, Owen Wilson, and The Darjeeling Limited

Emotional Distance, Owen Wilson, and The Darjeeling Limited Part 1. Brothers on a Train What would you do if a psychologist suggested that to truly resolve current self-destructive habits, you must get straight—comfortable and ‘real’– with your family? Would you: Demand your money back and accuse the therapist of conspiracy …

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MysteryShrink Shorts: A Soul Wake-Up from a Hungry Man

MysteryShrink Shorts: A Soul Wake-Up from a Hungry Man Last week I was picking up brochures in back of the Cathedral in San Luis Potosí, Mexico, when I was approached by a thin young man in ragged clothes with a familiar pleading look in his eyes. I tried to walk …

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Olympics Free-for-All Medley Swim

Olympics Free-for-All Medley Swim Sport for Us, the Real People Hear ye! Hear ye! The International Olympic Committee has arranged an event for us, the real people. Well, we can’t do ‘flying body’ sports but we can succeed in our event, the Free-for-All Medley Swim. We chose a swimming race …

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The Thirteen Brooms: Criticism and Anxiety

The Thirteen Brooms Criticism Is an Expression of Anxiety To be married is to be criticized. To be a child is to be criticized. To be a parent is to be criticized. To grow up in a world not designed to meet our needs above all others–is to be criticized. …

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