Category Archives: What Works and What Doesn’t
Paying Attention: How Orange Jello Changed My Life
Paying Attention to What You’re Paying Attention To: The Orange Jello Incident My in-laws lived in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which is about a nine-hour drive from Austin. Why do I mention the length of the trip? Because, nine hours is a long time for a husband to listen to his wife …
What Changes in Relationships when Anxiety Increases?

What Changes in Relationships when Anxiety Increases? From an article by Hal DeShong, Ph.D., P.C. ** This article is for reference with Distance in Relationships: Take a Trip on The Darjeeling Limited (Owen Wilson.) There are four biologically based anxiety-binding mechanisms [Four actions we likely initiate when we are anxious …
Emotions and Thinking: Is Stealing Always Wrong?
Stress, the “It’s Just Thunder” Incident

Relationship Stress and the “It’s Just Thunder” Incident I’m Okay and You’re Okay… as Long as I’m With You– Dateline: Willie’s Roadhouse, Truck Stop Cafe in Abott, Texas. And, yes, the chicken-fried steaks lap over the edges of the plate. Note: This entry, along with the next introduce the series: “Las Vegas …