Dreams, Goals. How to Get Stuff Done

Dreams, Goals. How to Get Stuff Done The lead photograph is a picture of Alvin Bailey, the head groom at the stable when I was a kid, a beloved friend, and one of my finest teachers. He was close to eighty when I asked him this question, “Alvin, why do …

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Hope: Two Women, Robin Williams, and Living NOW

MysteryShrink: Two Women and Living in the NOW The truth about psychology and psychologists:  We long to be scientific—to prove our medications, our talk therapy works.  We long to assist ourselves and other humans to find more joy and make more sense of their lives. We mostly fail on both …

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Living in the Now. Be Ready. The “Now” May Find You.

Living in the Now. Be Ready. On Being a Person,  Are We What We Contribute? (Disclaimer.  I firmly promised no ‘diary’ posts or–gasp–anything that has a scent of political issues.  I don’t for a moment think my life is so interesting the world can’t do without hearing about it. Still, …

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Robin Williams, Oh How We Loved You, Depression is Real.

Robin Williams, Oh How We Loved You. Depression is Real. I started MysteryShrink as one answer to a question that is with me daily.  “What have you contributed today to make a difference to the emotional suffering of people?” The question is the same every day.  How can I take …

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“Oh Dear Me!” The Most Dangerous Criticism is Criticism of Yourself

The Most Dangerous Criticism is Criticism of Yourself Dateline: Cabo San Jose. They’re always finding fugitives here. Or at least they do on the many crime shows I watch with abandon. There’s a guy at the next table who’s a dead ringer for the most unlucky guy in the world. …

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What, Me Worry? Two Dumb Ways to “Think,” What Do You and Compulsive Gamblers Have in Common?

What, Me Worry?  Two Dumb Ways to “Think” What Do You and Compulsive Gamblers Have in Common? Dateline: The Bellagio Sports and Race Book, Las Vegas. If you don’t think we attempt to control all sorts of things that are outside our control . . . you should check out …

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