Category Archives: couples counseling
MysteryShrink for the Short Attention Span

Cold Turkey Quick Fix Are you ready to be less predictable and downright mysterious? Now that you have owned your responsibility for your reaction habits (The motto: This is unfortunate, inconvenient, and unpleasant, but not a disaster unless I decide to make it one.) and you have been successful in …
Have you ever said “yes” when you meant “no”?
Broke and Stupid in the Houston Bus Terminal
MysteryShrink Short Broke and Stupid in the Houston Bus Terminal The first time I was in a bus station was on a hot Houston morning that marked the end of a months-long ridiculous marriage. All I could think about was how badly I’d messed up. And messed up in a …
How Do You Choose a Psychologist? A Lawyer?
The Drinker, the Aardvark, and the Hat that Changed the World
Paying Attention to What You’re Paying Attention To, Part 1
What Do You Mean, You Didn’t Notice? Paying Attention to What You’re Paying Attention To, Part 1 The Green Wallpaper Incident Dr. A is a fifty-two-year old psychiatrist who began the hour saying: “I’m satisfied in most areas of my life, but for some reason, every long-term relationship I’ve been …