Author Archives: mysteryshrink
Stress: Mobile Communications Have Made the World a Village and I Am Its Idiot
Stress, the “It’s Just Thunder” Incident

Relationship Stress and the “It’s Just Thunder” Incident I’m Okay and You’re Okay… as Long as I’m With You– Dateline: Willie’s Roadhouse, Truck Stop Cafe in Abott, Texas. And, yes, the chicken-fried steaks lap over the edges of the plate. Note: This entry, along with the next introduce the series: “Las Vegas …
Stress, Anxiety, and Videotapes
Anxiety and Stress in One Family’s Relationships Hear Ye! Hear Ye! All ye people of the town within the sound of my voice, please lend me your ears! I have reason to believe I am being watched and videoed. Therefore, any resemblance between a bleary-eyed, crazy blond chick you may see on …
Stress. When Does Breaking Free of ‘Group Think’ Just Being Rude?
Stress. When Does Breaking Free of ‘Group Think’ Just Being Annoying? Stress relieving entry in progress on rudeness vs. independent thinking. Dateline: Cabo San Jose, Baja California, Mexico. Pirates lived here. Pirates live in the U.S., too. Before we let a teenager convince us that tattoos are her way of …
Stress and Doing Your Own Thinking
Stress and Ladies’ Room Etiquette
Stress and Ladies’ Room Etiquette Dateline: Ladies’ room. Big Rig Stress Management Truck Stop, Sonora, Texas. More thoughts on anxiety and fusion, that is, when the “togetherness force,” the push to go along with the group is winning over the “individuality force,” the push to operate separately from the emotional …