
I'm a psychologist who goes to way too many movies, for the same reason I chose this profession. I love stories. I use movies and novels working with people in my office and during speaking engagements. "You should write some of this down," I kept being told. So, this is it, folks.

What Does Sibling Position Have to Do with Love and Friendship? . . The Answers

Birth Position Tendencies**  This is a repeat of What Does Sibling Position Have to Do with Love and Friendship?  . . . This time with identification tags for sibling positions. Before reading this entry please read: Me? Do Thanksgiving? You Have to be Crazy! and What Does Sibling Position Have to …

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What Does Sibling Position Have to Do with Love and Friendship?

Birth Position Tendencies** Before reading this entry please read: Me? Do Thanksgiving? You Have to be Crazy! and What Does Sibling Position Have to Do with Love and Friendship?–Spoiler Alert and The Bowen Center on Sibling Position How much does birth order matter once you leave home? Once you’ve made …

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How Does Your Birth Order Position Affect Your Life Now? Spoiler Alert Post!

How Does Your Birth Order Position Affect Your Life Now?  Spoiler Alert Post! As part of the series on birth order and how your sibling position contributes to whether you are living a life of havoc or a life of fame and fortune–the next entry will provide a list of …

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Suzi. She Brought Out the Best in Me, Emotions and Stress

Suzi. She Brought Out the Best in Me Emotions and Stress Suzi went travelling this morning. She’s the tan and white one. She was almost 24 years old. I’ve always believed pets are on this earth to remind us that we were created to live in joy. In joy now. …

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Ask a Psychologist: Married with Friends

Nickel Therapy, Ask a Psychologist **“Why Nickel Therapy” is background for this article. The Case of “Married with Friends” Dear Dr. DeShong: I’ve been married over twenty years. I love my husband and ours is the most important relationship in my life. Still when I need to talk about something …

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Why “Nickel Therapy, Ask a Psychologist?”

Why “Nickel Therapy, Ask a Psychologist?” Why have I added the Ask a Psychologist Page? When I was a skinny (not in a good way–in a ‘frizzy head’s too big for my body sort of way) and weird seventh grader, shy to the point of panic–I read a sentence in …

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Me? Host Thanksgiving? You’ve got to be crazy! . . . Siblings

Me?  Host Thanksgiving?  You’ve got to be crazy! Stress and Sibling Position The importance of sibling position didn’t really come up in our family until the Thanksgiving my older sister had reasons she couldn’t host the big meal. She announced this alteration to life’s grand plan at a Sunday dinner in …

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