Author Archives: mysteryshrink
Relationship Shorts: Better Relationships in 500 words or Less
Using Distance–The Flight Risk Husband When anxiety is high in a relationship, people use distance, conflict, over/under functioning, or a triangle (bringing in a third person). We are predictable. What couple or pair of siblings or parent-child duo isn’t exhausted going around and around in familiar and worthless patterns? Most …
The Voices in My Head
The internet doesn’t need another psychologist answer site, thus I’ve decided to share what’s really been going on in my head behind the therapist blank looks and smiles. I take this step with great trepidation. I keep hearing what my father said when I became editor of my high school …
MysteryShrink Returns to the Scene of the Crime
Psychology for the Short Attention Span I’ve been away from writing on this site for a while for a couple of reasons. The first was that the site was constantly being hi-jacked so that you, my friends, were forced to fight your way through full page ads to reach the …
MysteryShrink for the Short Attention Span
MysteryShrink for the Short Attention Span

Cold Turkey Quick Fix Are you ready to be less predictable and downright mysterious? Now that you have owned your responsibility for your reaction habits (The motto: This is unfortunate, inconvenient, and unpleasant, but not a disaster unless I decide to make it one.) and you have been successful in …