We accept the facts when it comes to climate change, so why not fight back at scam industries built on our staying insecure about our bodies? Many times I go to lunch with beautiful scary-smart women and somewhere over the salad comes the ‘new plan,’ the ‘how I should make my body more attractive’ routine. What?

Let’s have a “Me, too” on dieting addiction. It is a feminist issue.
“The sisters were the first contestants in Shark Tank history to receive investment offers from all five panel members.

[The picture is of people celebrating the daring new business venture of two women with a ‘new’ diet scam.]
[quotes: “Since filming their episode, the sisters have been hard at work putting the advice of their mentors into play.
“We completely re-branded our company and came up with new packaging,” said Anna.
The pair recently unveiled the product that netted them millions of dollars in investments and made it for sale across The US.
“The product we displayed on the show have been rebranded into Keto Burn. It’s the original formula, all we’ve done is change the name and the packaging,” explained ………..
After 7 days on the Shark Tank Miracle Weight Loss Supplements, I was in awe by how quick and dramatic the effects were. My spirits were up and I wasn’t as hungry as usual. The appetite suppression was a welcomed side effect of the Keto Burn. I felt phenomenal and best part of all was that I didn’t change a single thing about my daily routine or diet. Still no gym for me! On Day 7, I stepped on the electronic scale and used a caliper to find out my body fat. I had to —-“